- 單趟費時:30-40分鐘
- 難易度: 低, 但石頭濕滑且後段需要涉水而過, 需要穿溯溪鞋或防滑鞋
- 提醒: 蚊子多到非常誇張, 如果穿短袖短褲的人要有來此餵蚊子的覺悟
- 地圖: 可以參考[跟著小飛玩] 中的地圖, 非常詳盡, 以中華電信來說全程都收的到訊號, 用google map參照自己現在位置就不怕迷路了
- Time: just take 30-40 minutes to reach waterfall.
- Easy to reach here. Water shoes is required to fight with the slippery stones, and water road.
- Mosquito army will follow you along the way. Be aware.
- Map: you can refer to website of followxiaofei and download the map to your cell phone. Bring it with you to easily find the waterfall.
拍攝日期: 2017.9
下午的陽光映落在水面上, 真的是美極了!
路徑資訊Route Information:
瀑布入口(座標: 23.936382, 120.915553) Entry location (coordinate: 23.936382, 120.915553)
從紅色房子的左手邊小徑往下一直走Go down to the road at left hand side.
穿過小片的竹林 You will pass through a small bamboo forest.
緊接著路徑就會縮小,但還是看得出有人行走過的痕跡 Then the path will get narrower, but the road is still able to be recognized.
雖然看起來怪怪的, 但還請勇敢往前邁進吧 XD
一進去後先是走在石頭路上, 下腳的時候要小心不要踏到青苔多的地方
At the end of road, you will see an entry surrounded by forest. Don't hesitate, here is the start.
No road sign, just walk on the pathway among bamboo forest.
Then the bamboo is gone and the plant will turn to like tropical rain forest.
當啷!!終於到河邊了, 接下來請往右手邊走 (下圖一是左手邊, 下圖二才是右手邊)
Then, after seeing the river, please go right hand side. (below photo 1 is the view at left hand side, and photo 2 is view at right hand side)
因為水很混濁的關係, 走的時候要注意深度
Because the water is turbid and sometimes can't be seen how deep it is, mind your step.
Only 20 minute walk, here it is! The Shuishang Waterfall!