[review] Nantou_Puli (I-Puli Hostel) / 埔里永樂園青年旅館

永樂園青年旅館I-Puli Hostel
  • Add: 南投縣埔里鎮西安路一段83號(map)
  • distance: 550m away from Nantou Bus Puli Station 南投客運埔里轉運站
  • TEL: 049-2900102
  • email: wadan@puli-hostel.com.tw / FB
  • Price:
    (girls/mix dorm背包房) weekday:NT600/bed, weekend:NT700/bed
    (double room雙人房)weekeday: NT1100/room

 (走可愛風格的大廳cute-style lobby)

住宿日期staying period: 2016. Dec
價格(單人入住): 950/間 (room rate:950/room)


  • 房間乾淨但濕氣很重,有對走廊的窗戶但空氣仍不是很流通。
    clean room but very humid. Though the room has a window but the air is a little bit stuffy.
  • 被子很溫暖,但我很怕熱的關係,所以若是薄一點會更好。
    The duvet is nice but too warm to me.
  • 浴室熱水水量大,洗起來很爽快
  • 房間隔音實在太差,走廊的人講話聲或是隔壁洗澡開熱水的聲音完全聽的一清二楚。為了想有個好眠所以不選背包房而是獨立房間,想不到隔音問題一樣擾人,睡得不是很好。
    bad sound insulation. I could clearly hear people's talking sound from hallway and everything from next door's travelers (chatting, shower taking.....etc)
    I didn't sleep well at that night.

外面有機車停車位可以停機車scooter parking lot outside hostel.
Washing machine & microwave at 1st floor.

Just leave your key at the desk if checking out early.
