[中橫] 台14(甲)+台8沿途加油站 及便宜住宿Accommodation & Gas Station Along Central Cross-lsland Highway (Route 8 & Route 14)
last edited: FEB 10, 2020 (新增住宿資料 hotel information is updated)
前提: 這條穿越路線,並非傳統的中橫公路,現在大眾走的穿越中台灣公路乃為合歡山公路(台14甲)加上部分中橫公路(台8)所組成。而原本中橫公路中的谷關到德基路段,因地震豪雨之故道路破損嚴重,目前僅開放梨山居民通行。
提醒事項 Reminding:
step2. From Puli to Cingjing, please take Nantou Bus and stop at Cingjing Veterans Farm.
step3. Then walk about 150 meters, about 5-10 minutes, you can arrive in Shangrila YH.
Rail: You can go to Taichung main station by train. Then come to Shangrila by bus.
清境農場國民賓館Cingjing Guest House
滑雪山莊 Ski Hostel
觀雲山莊kuanyun International Youth Hostel
梨山阿茂的接待家庭(Amo share house)
梨山春發休閒農園 Lishan ChunFa Farm
天祥青年活動中心Tienhsiang Youth Activity Center
天祥天主堂 Tienhsiang church
天祥基督教會招待所 (Christian church)
西寶民宿Si-Bao Farm Hotel
洛詔慈惠堂Luo Shao Tsu Hui Temple
前提: 這條穿越路線,並非傳統的中橫公路,現在大眾走的穿越中台灣公路乃為合歡山公路(台14甲)加上部分中橫公路(台8)所組成。而原本中橫公路中的谷關到德基路段,因地震豪雨之故道路破損嚴重,目前僅開放梨山居民通行。
- 此篇文章資訊暫不包含中橫西段相關資訊。
- 關於中橫宜蘭支線(台七甲)住宿、加油站等資訊請參閱:[北橫]台七線及台七甲沿途加油站及便宜住宿
提醒事項 Reminding:
- 沿途經3000公尺高山地區,每年冬季遇寒流來襲易下雪,雪季期間將行交通管制,汽車無雪鍊無法通行(埔里、霧社沿途皆有雪鍊租借店家),而2000-3000公尺地區雖可通行,但需注意路面結冰現象!
- 合歡山附近區域冬季午後常起濃霧,能見度極低!請放慢速度、小心行駛。
- 傍晚及夜間常見菜車疾駛,注意會車。
- 過關原加油站(營業時間: 09:00-18:00)之後,一直到太魯閣入口皆無加油站!欲往花蓮的旅客請務必在清境或最後的加油站-關原加滿油後再出發,從花蓮出發往合歡山方向的旅客,請務必在太魯閣加油站(營業時間 : 07:00-19:00)加滿油後再前往。
- 中橫落石頻傳,夏季(常有午後雷陣雨)、颱風期間(6-9月)及地震後前往需小心邊坡落石。
- 以台14/台14甲來說,民宿(旅館)主要集中在霧社、清境。以清境最多,但多為非法民宿;過清境之後要到合歡山才有松雪樓、滑雪山莊兩間住宿。
- 若連假、過年期間住宿難求,還可以向東推進到關原或是北上到梨山也有供宿。
- 關原之後一直要到洛詔、西寶、天祥才有住宿。
- Location: Chingjing, Nantou
- Add: 南投縣仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷8號
- Tel: +886-49-280-2166
- E-mail:service@s-villa.com.tw
- Price: (YHA Member price displayed)
- (twin room) NT 1000-1200/ person (B&B)
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
- Directions:
step2. From Puli to Cingjing, please take Nantou Bus and stop at Cingjing Veterans Farm.
step3. Then walk about 150 meters, about 5-10 minutes, you can arrive in Shangrila YH.
Rail: You can go to Taichung main station by train. Then come to Shangrila by bus.
- Location: Chingjing, Nantou
- add: 南投縣仁愛鄉仁和路210號
- tel: 049-2801158
- e-mail:sshtea@yahoo.com.tw
- price:
- single ensuite room: Mon~Thurs. NT 1000/ per person
double ensuite room: Sun-Thurs NT 1300 Fri & holidays NT 1600
Quad: Sun-Thurs NT 2400 Fri & holidays NT 3200 - Reviews: [1] [2]
清境天祥民宿Qingjing Tianxiang Minsu
- Add: 南投縣仁愛鄉大同村信義巷36-1號
- TEL: 049-2802111 / 0932-553425
- email: a196023@yahoo.com.tw
- LINE:a196023
- Price: (breakfast included含早餐) (Japanese room 和室雅房)
(單人入住 for 1 person) NT900 / 1200 /room (weekday/weekend)
(雙人入住for 2 people) NT1400 / 1800 /room
清境農場國民賓館Cingjing Guest House
- Location: Chingjing, Nantou
- add: 南投縣仁愛鄉定遠新村25號
- tel: 049-280 2748
- e-mail: ?
- price: (Youth Travel Card holder) (twin room) Mon-Thurs: NT 800/person (B&B)
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
- Location: Chingjing, Nantou
- add: 南投縣仁愛鄉大同村仁和路182號
- tel: 049-280 2364
- e-mail: ?
- price: (single room) NT1000/room
- Reviews: [1] [2]
滑雪山莊 Ski Hostel
- Add: 花蓮縣秀林鄉291號
- Location:鄰近松雪樓、合歡山right close to Hehuan Mountain
- Tel: 042-5229696
- Price: (share room) NT1200/person (含早晚餐including breakfast & dinner)
- Remark:
建議電話訂房最快phone booking is the easiest way, 自備盥洗用具、毛巾等,可折抵房價100 (if you prepare your own toiletries and towel, you can enjoy discount of NT100)
因海拔關係,入住旅客請注意高山症because of high altitude, pay attention to acute mountain sickness.
觀雲山莊kuanyun International Youth Hostel
- Add: 花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村關原22號
- Distance: 13km away from Hehuan Mountain合歡山
- Tel: +886-4-25991173
- E-mail:kyh@cyc.tw
- Price: 8 mix dorm, NT 450 (B&B)/person (YHA Member price displayed)
- Location: Lishan, Taichung
- Add: 臺中市和平區梨山里中正路11號(map)
- Distance: 450m away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站 / 5km away from Fushoushan Farm福壽山農場
- Tel: 886-4-25989752
- E-mail:x
- Price: (double ensuite雙人套房) NT800-1200/room
- Pictures: click here
- Remark:一人入住半地下室的雙人房800塊,這裡連假也幾乎沒什麼客人來住,不需提前預定.If you come here by yourself, you can choose double ensuite at basement, only NT800/person. Advanced reservation is not required.
- Location: Lishan, Taichung
- Add: 臺中市和平區梨山里民族街22號(map)
- Distance: 650m away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站 / 5km away from Fushoushan Farm福壽山農場
- Tel: 886-4-25989511
- E-mail: FB
- Price: (double ensuite雙人套房) NT1000 up/room
- Pictures: click here
- Note: checking in on facebook enjoy 5% discount of room rates.來店住宿打卡,即享有95折優惠
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3]
梨山阿茂的接待家庭(Amo share house)
- Location: Lishan, Taichung
- Add: 台中市和平區中正路20號
- Location: 900m away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站
- Tel: 0963 587 802
- FB
- Price: (BUNK 背包房) NT600/person (weekday & weekend 不分平假日)
- Location: Songmao, Taichung (離梨山約7-8km)
- Add: 台中市和平區中興路四段88號
- Distance: 5.7km away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站 / 9km away from Fushoushan Farm福壽山農場
- Tel: 0980 654 377 /04-25981262
- pictures: click here
- FB
- Price: (double room 雙人雅房) NT 1500/room (不分平假日)(含早餐breakfast included)
Remark: 一人住宿也是這個價格,不吃早餐沒有折扣
梨山春發休閒農園 Lishan ChunFa Farm
- Location: Songmao, Taichung (離梨山約7-8km)
- Add: 台中市和平區中興路四段94之1號
- Tel: 0958 568 050
- FB
- Price: (private room with shared bathroom for solo person 單人雅房)NT1500/room
- Location: Songmao, Taichung (離梨山約7-8km)
- Add: 台中市和平區中興路四段79之1號
- Tel: 0932 551 878
- FB
- Price:**從airbnb訂購似乎更便宜, 查到只要900一晚
(booking through airbnb seems much cheaper, only costs NT900 for 1 night)
雙人雅房double room with shared bathroom: NT1500/room for solo traveler 單人入住價格
雙人套房double ensuite: NT1600/room for solo traveler 單人入住價格
- Location: Huanshan,Taichung
- add: 台中市和平區平等里中興路三段55號 鄰近環山派出所
- tel:04-25802634 / 0910-593728 (Mr. Lin)
- FB
- (通鋪 bunk) price:NT 400/ bed
- 有提供單純洗澡 100 元/次 (無住宿) 有住宿的免收洗澡費用
shower: NT100/person for traveller who only needs to take a shower. - Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4]
天祥青年活動中心Tienhsiang Youth Activity Center
- Location: Tienhsiang, Hualian (inside Taroko太魯閣裡面)
- Add: 花蓮縣秀林鄉天祥路30號(map)
- Distance: 22.5km away from Xincheng train station新城火車站
- Tel: (03)8691111
- E-mail: tsyac@cyc.tw / cyctsyac@ms15.hinet.net
- Price: (share room 4 beds) NT 900/ person (enjoy special discount with YHA card) (with breakfast)
- Note: Responding to environmental policy, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush are not provided.
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3]
天祥天主堂 Tienhsiang church
- Location: Tienhsiang, Hualian (inside Taroko太魯閣裡面)
- Add: 花蓮縣秀林鄉天祥路33號 (map)
- Distance: 22.4km away from Xincheng train station新城火車站
- Tel: 03 869 1122
- E-mail: ?
- Price: NT 350/ person
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
天祥基督教會招待所 (Christian church)
- Location: Tienhsiang, Hualian (inside Taroko太魯閣裡面)
- Add: 花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村天祥路19號 (map)
- Tel: 03-869 1203
- E-mail: x
- Price: (share room) NT400/person, (single room) NT600, (double room) NT1200/room
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
西寶民宿Si-Bao Farm Hotel
- Add:花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村西寶3號(map)
- Distance: 7.6km away from Baiyang Trail白揚步道
- Tel: 0933 993 689 (mobile)
- Price: (double ensuite) weekdays: NT1300, weekends: NT1500(including breakfast含早餐)
- My experience: click here
洛詔慈惠堂Luo Shao Tsu Hui Temple
- Add:花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村洛韶36號(map)
- Location: 台8線153.2k處
- Tel: 03-869 1180
- Price: (shared bed) NT450/person
回覆刪除不客氣喔, 預祝旅途愉快~~ : )