My experience for renting a scooter at Hualian, Sincheng (Taroko Train Station)
相關文章:全台推薦租機車行 分布地圖,超好用!
租車日期Rental period:2015.1.1-1.4
車款Scooter type:YAMAHA Breeze B5 勁風光(鼓煞)
價格Price:400/24hr (NT100/h for overtime rent, 1st extra hour is free, count from 2nd extra hour. If over 5 hours, you just need to pay one day extra cost.)
超時一小時100, 超時第一小時免費,第二小時才開始計費,超過五小時以上直接算成一天
無異地還車服務 (not offer one-way rental service)
Here is the rental reminding displayed on the desk to customers. Though the price on paper is 500 and 700, but the real price is under that. (no price difference between Taiwanese and foreigners)
車頭前機車行 Motorcycle For Rent
- Add: 花蓮縣新城鄉新城村新興1路91號 (map)
- Distance: left-hand side of Sincheng Train Station, Hualien (Taroko Train Station) 新城(太魯閣)火車站出來左手邊
- Tel: 03-8610215 / 03-8610218/ 0982-500094
- Fax: 03-8610218
- Open time營業時間:(Mon-Sun) AM07:00~PM08:00 週一至周日AM07:00至PM08:00
- Remark備註:也可租腳踏車provide scooters/bicycles rental service
相關文章:全台推薦租機車行 分布地圖,超好用!
租車日期Rental period:2015.1.1-1.4
車款Scooter type:YAMAHA Breeze B5 勁風光(鼓煞)
價格Price:400/24hr (NT100/h for overtime rent, 1st extra hour is free, count from 2nd extra hour. If over 5 hours, you just need to pay one day extra cost.)
超時一小時100, 超時第一小時免費,第二小時才開始計費,超過五小時以上直接算成一天
無異地還車服務 (not offer one-way rental service)
Here is the rental reminding displayed on the desk to customers. Though the price on paper is 500 and 700, but the real price is under that. (no price difference between Taiwanese and foreigners)
- 需出示身份證、駕照,老闆影印證件後歸還。
- 簽契約 (下面有契約照片,如果有借安全帽等物品,老闆會打勾。還車後下面那張(黃色圈起處),老闆會撕下給你,我猜應該是類似本票的東西)
- 詢問租幾天、租到幾點
- Show Taiwan ID card, scooter license. They will copy and return your original cards(I have no idea if foreigners can rent scooters from here. So I just list the required license aimed at Taiwanese.)
- They will ask you how many dates and what time you will go back to return the scooter.
- Sign a rental contract (below is contract photo, you need to write your name/contact way...etc. If you borrow helmet or locker, the shop will tick at blue column. But the most important thing is the yellow-circled part, the shop will give it to you after returning cooter. I think the paper will be written in number only when the scooter is damaged badly. Anyway, don't forget to bring this paper with you after the rental business is done.)
- 老闆會稍微看一下車子,然後登記你還車時間(如果有超出時間要補錢)。
- 交還上圖黃色圈起處(我自己是收到後馬上就撕掉)
- The boss will check the scooter and record the returning date and time. If the time is over, you have to pay for the extra hour(s).
- Give you the yellow-circled part of above photo.
- 這次連假沒事先訂車的結果就只有慘字可以形容,不只宜蘭所有地方的車都被租光(宜蘭、羅東、礁溪、南澳等等,想的到的我們都打過一遍,只有不好意思下次請早),連花蓮的車都被搶租一空,剩下的只有坐地起價,一台老125喊出700一天的離譜價錢。
看到車子時總算讓人比較安心一點,雖然車種不多(感覺跟埔里永和那家一樣,偏單一車種),但非常時刻只要車子不出問題、能動基本上我們就阿彌陀佛了 (囧rz)。 - 這台車雖然2萬多公里,但催起來馬力還是非常夠,但車身會比較重,身高或體重不夠的人在立中柱的時候會比較吃力。
- 大燈偏微弱,不過這次不是跑山區,對我們影響不大。
- 老闆待客態度客氣,雖稱不上熱絡,但有問必答,還會對你的行程給建議。
- 不過這家讓我欣賞的主要一是車況,二是價格,不管是不是連假,一天400的價格都算便宜,何況這還是連假價格。
這我不清楚耶 不過花蓮青年旅館超多,你可以多比較