Car Rental Location in Taiwan 哪裡租汽車


Carplus, EasyRent and PonyRent are three main car rental companies in Taiwan. All of them provide short-term, long-term, and one-way rental service, and all kinds of discount for different credit card; to know more about their rental fee for different service, please refer to their websites (the former two have Chinese, English, even Japanese language descriptions to meet foreign tourists' need while at PonyRent's website, its English description is not so complete.)
I will suggest choosing Carplus and EasyRent as your priority list for their better reviews than PonyRent.
For foreign tourists (non-Taiwan nationals), the required certificates and documents for car rental are different among these companies, so please visit their websites' requirement parts.

開車注意事項 some reminding when driving in Taiwan:
  1. 台灣為「左駕靠右行駛」
    left-hand drive, and right-hand traffic
  2. 過年期間為減緩車流量,部分國道(高速公路)會有限乘三人以上才能通行的規定,且為分散車朝,特定時間通行(如半夜、清晨)國道會暫停收費,交通路況最新消息可參考台灣高公局
    To reduce the amount of traffic during Chinese New Year holidays, some national highways(expressway) will only allow cars with over/including three passengers to pass through. In addition, at specific time like at midnight and dawn, toll price will not be charged temporarily during Chinese New Year. To get more latest news about expressway and road conditions, please visit Taiwan National Bureau.
  3. 紅線24小時皆禁止停車,黃線可臨停三分鐘(未熄火且駕駛人在駕駛座上),白線可停車。
    No parking at roads marked with red line while 3-minute temperate parking is acceptable at yellow line (driver can't leave car, and car doesn't stall), and parking at white line is ok.
  4. 一般車輛行駛在高速公路速限為80-110km/h,一般道路約40-60km/h不等。
    Speed limit of expressway is 80-110km/h while it's down to 40-60km/h at general roads.
  5. 如同我在認識台灣這篇所說,台灣山地面積廣故山路也多,租車時請考慮車子馬力問題。
    As I mention at A Quick Glimpse of Taiwan, mountains account for large percentage of our territory, so mountain roads are many here. Please take horsepower into consideration when renting a car. 
  6. 遇紅綠燈時,請勿將車子開進機車專屬停車格,如下圖 When wait at red light, don't cross into the scooter zone:
  7. 因台灣機車數量眾多,開車門及行駛時要特別注意。
    Because there is a huge number of scooters in Taiwan, please pay attention to these motorcycle riders when opening car door and driving on road.

  8. 後座乘客未繫安全帶會罰款。
    Backseat passengers need to fasten seat belts, or they will get fined.
  9. 非遇雨、霧時不得使用霧燈。
    Don't turn on fog light under non-rain or non-mist conditions.
格上租車 Carplus (Taiwan)
24小時客服專線(24hour customer service number):0800-222-568

和運租車 EasyRent
24小時客服專線(24hour customer service number):0800-024-550

小馬租車 PonyRent
客服專線customer service number:0800-094-888
本國人士需具備有效駕照與國民身份證 Taiwan nationals must have valid Taiwan drive license and ROC ID.
外國人士需具備有效國際駕照、護照、信用卡、簽證或居留證 Foreigners must have valid IDP (international drive permit), passport, credit card, visa or resident certificate
