last update: 2020. 6 (accommodation cost is updated)
Northern Cross-Island Highway (or simply call it Highway No. 7) is one of three important highways connecting east and west part in Taiwan. Highway No. 7 starts from Dashi (Daxi) town in Taoyuan and ends at Yilan city with total length about 130 kilometers. In addition, it has three branch roads, one is No. 7 Jia branch road.
The mountain scene at Highway 7 is magnificent and spectacular, and is also a nice place to see maple and cherry flowers.
提醒事項 Reminding:
路況確認 Road Conditions:
特產 Specialties:
住宿 Accommodation:
List of gas stations & Hotel (Hostel) along provincial highway No.7 and No.7 Jia branch route
北橫沿線住宿 Cheap Accommodation:
石門山勞工育樂中心Shimenshan Labor Recreational Center
復興青年活動中心 Fuhsing Youth Activity Center
拉拉山5.5k農莊 (5.5K Hostel)
達觀山莊Dakung Hotel
拉拉山馬告山莊民宿 Maogao Hotel
爺亨梯田民宿 (舊名: 喜來登山莊民宿)
拉拉山開心農莊Joyful farm stay
新瑞士大飯店 New Swiss Hotel (傳統老式旅館Old traditional hotel)
燕華樓大旅社 (傳統老式旅館Old traditional hotel)
梨山阿茂的接待家庭(Amo share house)
梨山春發休閒農園 Lishan ChunFa Farm
隆達民宿 londa hotel
南山莎韻民宿Sharhyme B&B
歐米雅吉 Oumiyaji
老農民宿 (Hotel)
清馨茶園民宿 (Hotel)
巴杜的家 Bardoux's Home
娃夏民宿 Wa Xia Hotel
阿黛的家Nag Son Ay
希嵐亞裕Silam Ya Yu
欣樂賓館(pronounced as "Sin Le" Hotel)
(台7甲,南山,一望無際的高麗菜田 Provincial highway 7甲, endless cabbage farm, green of green)
last edited:2018, June 27
參考資料: 戶外生活 _北台灣機車兜風
Reminding: Taiwan's typhoon season falls between June to September, and some mountain routes, such as Highway 7 are often closed "before and after typhoon." Before going to these roads, checking Directorate General of Highways's road condition will be recommended.
- 其他相關文章:中橫沿途加油站&便宜住宿
Northern Cross-Island Highway (or simply call it Highway No. 7) is one of three important highways connecting east and west part in Taiwan. Highway No. 7 starts from Dashi (Daxi) town in Taoyuan and ends at Yilan city with total length about 130 kilometers. In addition, it has three branch roads, one is No. 7 Jia branch road.
The mountain scene at Highway 7 is magnificent and spectacular, and is also a nice place to see maple and cherry flowers.
提醒事項 Reminding:
- 北橫路窄多彎,汽車會車要注意 Most road is narrow and winding, pay attention.
- 復興到棲蘭之間沒有加油站,請在進入北橫山區前加滿油後再出發!桃園端最後一個加油站為中油復興站(營業時間:07:00-21:00),錯過這個一直要到宜蘭大同才有加油站!大同加油站營業時間:08:00-18:00 。No gas stations between Fusing and Cilan(Chilan). Please fill up your car/motorbike before entering mountain area of Northern Cross-Island Highway. The last gas stations before entering mountain area of Highway 7 are Fusing gas station (at Taoyuan side, open time: 07:00-21:00) and Datong gas station (at Yilan side, open time: 08:00-18:00).
- 中途無汽車修理站或機車行,請於大溪或宜蘭市區將車子檢修完畢 No car or motorbike repair shops along Highway No.7, so check your vehicle and make sure it's ok at Dashi (Daxi) or Yilan city.
- 地震或豪雨後易有落石,請注意 Falling stone often occurs after earthquake and torrential rain, pay attention.
(以當地特產做橋名的香菇橋, 跟底下的香菇溪(大笑) very cute bridge name--mushroom bridge. And the river--mushroom river, undoubtedly!)
路況確認 Road Conditions:
- 桃園縣風景區管理所 (Taoyuan scenic area office) 03-394-6061
- 復興鄉公所 (Fusing Township Office) 03-382-1500
- 復興工務段 (Fusing traffic branch) 03-382-2356
(南湖大山登山口旁的野溪 unknown river beside Nanhu Mountain)
特產 Specialties:
- 大溪豆乾、石門活魚、拉拉山水蜜桃跟蜜李、宜蘭牛舌餅 Dashi: dried tofu, Shih-Men: live fish, Lala Mountain: juicy peach and plum, Yilan: Cow Tongue Shaped Cookies
住宿 Accommodation:
- 因北橫沿線多是山區,住宿主要集中在巴陵及起終點。
- 要轉往梨山、中橫(台8)的人,中途有提供住宿的僅四季跟環山跟南山,南山目前除了隆達商店、櫻花園民宿、驛站公路飯店也有供宿,而南山教會已不供住宿;或者可直接到梨山,那邊比較多旅館跟小吃店跟早餐店可選擇。
Because Highway No. 7 passes through lots of mountain area, hotels mostly located at Balin and this road's beginning and ending.
If you'd like to turn to Lishan and Central
Cross-Island Highway(Highway No. 8), accommodation and food can be found only at Sihji, Huanshan, and Nanshan at Highway No. 7 Jia branch road.There is no hotels at Nanshan at present."Londa Hotel" "Sakura Garden Hotel" and "Road Hotel (pronounced Yi-Jhan Gong-Lu Hotel" at Nanshan which provide accommodation and breakfast to backpackers. Or you can go to Lishan directly where there are more restaurants to eat and hotels to stay.
List of gas stations & Hotel (Hostel) along provincial highway No.7 and No.7 Jia branch route
北橫沿線住宿 Cheap Accommodation:
石門山勞工育樂中心Shimenshan Labor Recreational Center
- Add: 桃園縣龍潭鄉三林村清水坑3鄰22-2號
- Tel: 03-471-1225
- E-mail:
- Price: (double ensuite雙人套房) NT1400/room, (triple ensuite 3人套房) NT1600/room, (4-people ensuite 4人套房) NT2000/room
5% tax excluded 不含5%稅 - Reviews: non
復興青年活動中心 Fuhsing Youth Activity Center
- Add: 桃園縣復興鄉澤仁村中山路1號
- Distance: 30km away from Chungli train station中壢火車站
- Tel: 03-3822276
- E-mail:
- Price: (double ensuite 雙人套房) NT2190/2490/room(weekday/weekend) (including brakfast含早餐)
- Reviews: [1]
- Directions: Bus: Take Taipei Bus at GuiYang Street in Taipei(the city branch in Suzhou University) → DaXi → Change to take Taoyuan Bus to Fuhsing Youth Activity Center.
- Location: Upper Balin, Taoyuan (one location of North Cross Highway)桃園復興"上巴陵"(北橫路上)
- Add: 桃園縣復興鄉華陵村113號
- Tel: 03-3912125 / 0910-163855
- E-mail: x
- Price:
(double ensuite) NT1200/room,
(4-people ensuite) NT1600/room,
(6-people room) NT2000/room
(breakfast is only provided during Monday-Fri 周一~周五附早餐, 周末沒有) - Note: no gas station nearby, please fill up your car in Dasi or fushing 山區無加油站,請於大溪或復興加滿油再上山
- Reviews: [1]
拉拉山5.5k農莊 (5.5K Hostel)
- Location: Middle Balin, Taoyuan (one location of North Cross Highway)桃園復興"中巴陵"(北橫路上)
- Add: 桃園縣復興鄉華陵村49號
- Tel: 03-3912118 / 0937-633826
- FB
- Price:
(breakfast included含早餐) (double room) NT200/2500/room(weekday/weekend) - Pictures: click here
- Reviews: non
達觀山莊Dakung Hotel
- 我的住宿經驗 see my experience for staying here
- Location: Low Balin, Taoyuan (one location of North Cross Highway)桃園復興"下巴陵"(北橫路上)
- Add: 桃園縣復興鄉華陵村7鄰27號
- Tel: 03-3912119 / 03-3912157
- E-mail:
- Price: (B&B)
- (double ensuite)Sun-Fri: NT1600/room, Sat: NT2200/room
- (4-people ensuite)Sun-Fri: NT2600/room, Sat: NT3200/room
- Note: above price doesn't apply to Chinese New Year Holidays以上價格春節不適用
- Note: pets are welcomed. 寵物可入住
- Remark: on the opposite side of hotel, there are 3 grocery stores and 1 breakfast shop and noodle store 對面有三間雜貨店跟一間麵攤兼早餐店,買東西方便
- Note: no gas station nearby, please fill up your car in Dasi or fushing 山區無加油站,請於大溪或復興加滿油再上山
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
拉拉山馬告山莊民宿 Maogao Hotel
- Location: Yeheng terrace, Taoyuan(one location of North Cross Highway) 桃園復興"爺亨梯田"最高點
- Add: 桃園縣復興鄉三光村八鄰爺亨5-1號
- Tel: 0936-945671 / 0933-737090
- E-mail:
- Price:
- (double ensuite雙人套房)(B&B) Sun-Fri: NT1620/room, Sat & the day before public holidays: NT2000/room, (public holidays) NT2500/room
- (4-people ensuite)(B&B4人套房) Sun-Fri: NT2080/room, Sat & the day before public holidays: NT2560/room, (public holidays) NT3200/room
- Note: no gas station nearby, please fill up your car in Dasi or fushing 山區無加油站,請於大溪或復興加滿油再上山
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4]
爺亨梯田民宿 (舊名: 喜來登山莊民宿)
- Location: Yeheng terrace, Taoyuan(one location of North Cross Highway) 桃園復興"爺亨梯田"
- Add: 桃園縣復興鄉三光村爺亨9號
- Tel: 0921-463000 / 03-3347510 / 0921-177271
- E-mail:FB
- Price: (B&B)
- (double ensuite) weekdays: NT1625/room, weekends: NT2000/room
- (triple ensuite) weekdays: NT1820/room, weekends: NT2240/room
- (4-people ensuite) weekdays: NT2080/room, weekends: NT2560/room
- (6-people ensuite) weekdays: NT2340/room, weekends: NT2880/room
- (8-people ensuite) weekdays: NT2925/room, weekends: NT3600/room
- Note: no gas station nearby, please fill up your car in Dasi or fushing 山區無加油站,請於大溪或復興加滿油再上山
- Reviews: [1]
- Add: 桃園市復興區華陵村11鄰180-2號
- Tel: 0937-118316/ 0937-811316 / 03-3912027,03-4514367
- E-mail:FB
- Price: (double ensuite 雙人套房) NT2300/2800/room(weekday/weekend)
拉拉山開心農莊Joyful farm stay
- Add: 桃園市復興區華陵里中心路143之13號
- Line ID:@451skkwe
- Tel: 03-3912076 /0978-266310 /0988-663428
- E-mail:FB
- Price:(B&B) (double ensuite 雙人套房) NT2000/2200/room(weekday/weekend)
- Add: 桃園市復興區華陵里中心路143之13號
- Tel:0928-036122
- E-mail:FB
- Price:(B&B)
(double ensuite 雙人套房) NT2000/2500/room(weekday/weekend)
(4 people ensuite 4人套房) NT2800/3500/room (weekday/weekend)
(6 people ensuite 6人套房) NT4500/5500/room (weekday/weekend)
- Location: Huanshan,Taichung
- add: 台中市和平區平等里中興路三段55號 鄰近環山派出所
- tel:04-25802634 / 0910-593728 (Mr. Lin)
- FB
- (通鋪 bunk) price:NT 400/ bed
- 有提供單純洗澡 100 元/次 (無住宿) 有住宿的免收洗澡費用
shower: NT100/person for traveller who only needs to take a shower. - Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4]
新瑞士大飯店 New Swiss Hotel (傳統老式旅館Old traditional hotel)
- Location: Lishan, Taichung
- Add: 臺中市和平區梨山里中正路11號
- Distance: 450m away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站 / 5km away from Fushoushan Farm福壽山農場
- Tel: 886-4-25989752
- E-mail:x
- Price: (double ensuite雙人套房) NT800-1200/room
- Pictures: click here
- Remark:
老闆娘會千方百計的遊說你住樓上比較貴的房間, 甚至會說800的地下室房間沒有了
一人入住半地下室的雙人房800塊,這裡連假也幾乎沒什麼客人來住,不需提前預定.If you come here by yourself, you can choose double ensuite at basement, only NT800/person. Advanced reservation is not required.
燕華樓大旅社 (傳統老式旅館Old traditional hotel)
- Location: Lishan, Taichung
- Add: 臺中市和平區梨山里民族街22號
- Distance: 650m away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站 / 5km away from Fushoushan Farm福壽山農場
- Tel: 886-4-25989511
- E-mail: FB
- Price: (double ensuite雙人套房) NT1000 up/room
- Pictures: click here
- Note: checking in on facebook enjoy 5% discount of room rates.來店住宿打卡,即享有95折優惠
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3]
梨山阿茂的接待家庭(Amo share house)
- Location: Lishan, Taichung
- Add: 台中市和平區中正路20號
- Location: 900m away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站
- Tel: 0963 587 802
- FB
- Price: (BUNK 背包房) NT600/person (weekday & weekend 不分平假日)
- Location: Songmao, Taichung (離梨山約7-8km)
- Add: 台中市和平區中興路四段88號
- Distance: 5.7km away from Lishan bus stop梨山公車站 / 9km away from Fushoushan Farm福壽山農場
- Tel: 0980 654 377 /04-25981262
- pictures: click here
- FB
- Price: (double room 雙人雅房) NT 1500/room (不分平假日)(含早餐breakfast included)
Remark: 一人住宿也是這個價格,不吃早餐沒有折扣
梨山春發休閒農園 Lishan ChunFa Farm
- Location: Songmao, Taichung (離梨山約7-8km)
- Add: 台中市和平區中興路四段94之1號
- Tel: 0958 568 050
- FB
- Price: (private room with shared bathroom for solo person 單人雅房)NT1500/room
- Location: Songmao, Taichung (離梨山約7-8km)
- Add: 台中市和平區中興路四段79之1號
- Tel: 0932 551 878
- FB
- Price:**從airbnb訂購似乎更便宜, 查到只要900一晚
(booking through airbnb seems much cheaper, only costs NT900 for 1 night)
雙人雅房double room with shared bathroom: NT1500/room for solo traveler 單人入住價格
雙人套房double ensuite: NT1600/room for solo traveler 單人入住價格
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉泰雅路六段2巷6-3號
- Tel: 0922-497473
- Line ID @0922497473a
- Price: (price includes breakfast)
(背包房dorm): NT550/600 /person (weekday/weekend)
(private ensuite for 1 person單人入住套房: NT1200/1500 /room (weekday/weekend)
- Location: Sihji Village, Yilan
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉四季村光勳巷24號之3
- Tel: 0935-733-749 / 03-9809482
- E-mail: ?
- Price: (B&B)NT800/person
- Note: pets are welcomed but advance notification is needed. 寵物可入住, 需事先告知
- Note: Cooking in kitchen needs advance booking, and cost NT300. 欲使用廚房請事先預約,並酌收清潔費300元
- Note: Responding to environmental policy, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush are not provided. 為響應環保,請自備牙膏、牙刷、毛巾
- Shuttle service: Yilan city <-->Hotel: NT500/person, Taipei<-->Hotel: NT1000/person
- Reviews: [1]
隆達民宿 londa hotel
- Nanshan, Yilan
- Distance: 27km away from Wuling Farm 武陵農場 /26km away from Cilan Forest Recreation Area 棲蘭森林遊樂區
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉南山村泰雅路七段 139 號
- Tel: 03-9809126 / 0911-355198
- e-mail:
- Price:
(double ensuite) weekdays: NT1200/room
(4-people ensuite) weekdays: NT2200/room
(wide shared bed通舖)
5人以內/每位600元 group members <5, NT600/person
5人以上10人以內/每位500元 5< group members <10, NT550/person
10人以上/每位450元 group members >10, NT450/person - This hotel also sells breakfast and grocery. 民宿的一樓就是雜貨店兼早餐店
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3]
南山莎韻民宿Sharhyme B&B
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉南山村泰雅路七段150號
- Tel: 0917 512 128
- FB
- Price:
- (double room 雙人雅房) NT800/room
- (4 people room 4人雅房) NT1600/room
- Remark: please bring your own toiletries自備盥洗用具
歐米雅吉 Oumiyaji
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉松羅村3鄰東巷5之9號
- Tel: 0912-095438 / (03)923-3491
- FB
- Line
- Price: (B&B)
- (4-people ensuite四人套房) Sun-Thurs: NT2200/room, Fri-Sat & public holidays: NT2400/room
- Reviews: [1] [2]
老農民宿 (Hotel)
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉松羅村鹿場路1-10號(台七線99.8km處)
- Tel: 03-9894731 / 0912-093748
- E-mail:
- Price: (B&B)
- (double ensuite) weekdays: NT1700/room, (4-people ensuite) weekdays: NT2700/room
- Reviews: [1] [2]
清馨茶園民宿 (Hotel)
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉松羅村鹿場路7之2號 (台七線99.8km處)
- Tel: (03)980-2085 / 0911-895057
- E-mail: ? (message board)
- Price: (B&B)
- (double ensuite) weekdays: NT1600/room, (4-people ensuite) weekdays: NT2400/2600/room
- Reviews:[1] [2] [3]
巴杜的家 Bardoux's Home
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉松羅村南巷35-1號
- Tel: 0929-997655 / 0912-593693 / (03)9801218
- E-mail: / FB
- Price: (B&B)
- (double ensuite雙人套房) NT1300/1500/room(weekday/weekend)
(double ensuite for solo traveler 單人入住雙人套房) NT800/1000/room(weekday/weekend) - (4-people ensuite4人套房)NT2600/3000/room (weekday/weekend)
- Reviews: non
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉松羅村南巷109號
- Tel: (03)980-1258 /0916-856011 / 0928-076173
- E-mail:
- Price: (B&B) (6-people room) Sun-Thurs: NT3000/room, (8-people room)Sun-Thurs: NT4000/room
- Note: Responding to environmental policy, toothbrush is not provided.
- Reviews: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
娃夏民宿 Wa Xia Hotel
- Add: 宜蘭大同鄉崙埤村2鄰13號
- Tel: 03-9802162 /0919-285-456
- E-mail: ?
- Price: (B&B)
- (4-people room四人雅房) NT2400/3000/room (weekday/weekend)
(6 people Japanese room 6人和室) NT3000/4000/room (weekday/weekend) - Reviews: [1]
阿黛的家Nag Son Ay
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉樂水村(路)226號
- Tel: 0935-531526 / 0978-556881
- Price: (B&B) (shared bathroom)
- FB
- (double room雅房) weekdays: NT1200/room, weekends: NT1600/room
- (4-people room雅房)weekdays: NT2000/room, weekends: NT2400/room
- Reviews:[1] [2]
希嵐亞裕Silam Ya Yu
- Add: 宜蘭縣大同鄉寒溪村寒溪巷49-2號
- Tel: 0988-279711
- FB
- Price: (B&B)(shared bathroom)
- (double room) Sun-Thurs: NT1400/1500/room, Fri-Sat & public holidays: NT1600/1700/room
- Reviews:[1] [2]
欣樂賓館(pronounced as "Sin Le" Hotel)
- Add: 桃園縣復興鄉三民村11鄰32號
- Distance: 38m away from Sanmin bus stop三民公車站
- Tel: 03-3825360
- E-mail: x
- Price: (double ensuite) NT900/room, (4-people room) NT1500/room
- Pictures: click here / click here
- Reviews: non
回覆刪除路上小心啊, 前幾天台14甲線18.6k翠峰路段路基流失, 目前開放通行, 但經過的時候還是要注意~~
回覆刪除抱歉現在才看到你們的留言, 明池裡面有住宿, 可以直接打電話問比較快。