1. 店家的評價
a. Google search=God
這世界自從有了google,小明每次考試都拿一百分了耶(誤),只要簡簡單單只要輸入幾個關鍵字,像是「XX機車行 租機車」,比你去論壇發文詢問還得打落落長一串還省時間。
不過現在想看ptt的文章不見得一定要去那邊才看得到,只要在google,是滴,又是google,key in「ptt car-rent, XX機車行」就OK囉。
Store ratings and reviews
It is very important to rent a scooter from a well-rated rental shop. I've read too many articles from users who didn't search reviews before they made their reservation and finally got a bad experience and ruined their trip. Making a deal with bad shop could be a loop of nightmares: quarreling, cost a lot of money...
How to know which rental shop is good?
a. internet search
A lot of reviews could easily be found by searching internet; however, most of them are written in Chinese. Some people will write their comments on their blogs (pixnet, blogspot..etc) and some prefer sharing on forum such as PTT or backpacker.com. For me, these kinds of reviews are more trust-worthy than reviews left on google ratings. As you may know that a certain shops will hire people (or create multiple accounts by themselves) to leave fake good/bad comments on it.
p.s. For foreigners, google translation (or other nice translation website) would be a good tool to help you understand.
Here is the rental shop (so-so to good reputation) list I collected from internet. I also put the link of my rental experience into this map. Check it out.
2. 檢查車況
Check scooter
Check the light is workable or not
try to press brake lever and see if they are too loose or too tightened (you can ask the shop to adjust it if you think the brake is not at good condition)
check the tire pattern
Check if there is any scratch on cover. If yes, please take clear photo of this part and point it to the shop. Just show them this scratch has been made by other user. (please note some shops will charge users a certain amount, probably thousands, if they made scratches on the cover.)
If you feel there is some problem with this vehicle just after leaving the shop, please go back to shop and change to another one. (Generally in contract, there will be a line that describes you can change to another scooter if you find out this scooter got some problem within a short mileage. This number varies depending on contracts.)
3. 拍照Take photos
Take photos of the scooter (front/left side/right side/rear, especially the part where scratches or damage is already on the vehicle) you rent before you leave.
4. 92 or 95 (Gasoline: 92 or 95)
Shop will inform you which is the correct type of gasoline for this scooter.
Shop will inform you which is the correct type of gasoline for this scooter.
5. 車子拋錨時Once scooter has a breakdown
通常老闆會把名片黏在機車後座打開看的到的地方,有問題記得第一時間跟他們聯繫,他們會派人來把你接回去,當然如果太遠的可能就沒辦法,但還是先問老闆看是他們能不能來接,還是就近先找機車行修車。(修車費用也要先問租車行老闆是算在他們頭上還是你們頭上….etc. p.s.記得要跟修車行討收據)
Please contact rental shop at first moment and they will send someone to repair it or ride another scooter to exchange it. If you are far away from the shop, they may not be able to help you. But you still need to inform them first and let them know where you are and you are going to find other scooter repair shop to fix it. By the way, don't forget to ask if rental shop will cover or share this repair cost. Please do take the receipt after repair.
Please contact rental shop at first moment and they will send someone to repair it or ride another scooter to exchange it. If you are far away from the shop, they may not be able to help you. But you still need to inform them first and let them know where you are and you are going to find other scooter repair shop to fix it. By the way, don't forget to ask if rental shop will cover or share this repair cost. Please do take the receipt after repair.
6. 交通事故發生時If unfortunately, you have a car accident....
Please call (or ask others) the police (phone:110) first and also inform the shop at the same time.
Please call (or ask others) the police (phone:110) first and also inform the shop at the same time.
7. 押證件 vs. 簽本票 vs. 押金
證件並無限制要押哪種,健保卡、身份證……都ok 。有的店是兩者都要,有的是只要前者,看店家自己的規定,有少數良心店家是都不用。
Besides signing a contract, sometimes you will need to leave one photo ID at shop (depends on contract).
Deposit is not needed (I never heard any rental shop who asks deposit for renting scooter)
Besides signing a contract, sometimes you will need to leave one photo ID at shop (depends on contract).
Deposit is not needed (I never heard any rental shop who asks deposit for renting scooter)
8. 被警察杯杯開單了怎麼辦?Get a ticket from police officer?
The ticket will be send to the shop after 7-15 days and shop will charge you.
The ticket will be send to the shop after 7-15 days and shop will charge you.
9. 其他Other
a. 通常店家會在機車內附上:輕便雨衣(有的雨衣是免費附贈,有的只要有使用就會收費,費用從NT10-30不等)、機車大鎖,跟這台機車的行照(被開單的時候就拿這張給警察),有的老闆還會問你要去哪裡,給你幾張簡便地圖或告訴你怎麼走。
There will be one or two lightweight raincoats put inside scooter. Some are free provided but some cost NT10-30 if you ever use them during the trip. If these raincoats are not free, shop staff will advise tourists how much it costs when used and they will check if these raincoats when you returning the scooter. (if you don't have your own raincoats, you can take them out to staff or leave it inside the scooter)
There will be one or two lightweight raincoats put inside scooter. Some are free provided but some cost NT10-30 if you ever use them during the trip. If these raincoats are not free, shop staff will advise tourists how much it costs when used and they will check if these raincoats when you returning the scooter. (if you don't have your own raincoats, you can take them out to staff or leave it inside the scooter)
b. 店家提供的安全帽通常是西瓜皮最陽春的那種,如果嫌不夠安全或是不想戴其他人戴過的,可以用自己的。(安全帽建議挑有面罩,因為田附近常會聚集上千百隻的蟲蟲大軍,如果沒有面罩幫你檔,當你以高速穿過他們時,會全部砸在你的..........恩........臉上)
Helmet is freely provided by staff but generally the helmets they provide are the most simple type ones (as below second photo, we call it watermelon rind helmet in Taiwan).
If possible, choose safer helmet (or buy new one/ bring your own) or pick one at least with cover (as below 1st photo) to avoid mosquito smashing on your face when passing through farmland.
Helmet is freely provided by staff but generally the helmets they provide are the most simple type ones (as below second photo, we call it watermelon rind helmet in Taiwan).
If possible, choose safer helmet (or buy new one/ bring your own) or pick one at least with cover (as below 1st photo) to avoid mosquito smashing on your face when passing through farmland.
c. 租用的機車通常都還會剩一些油可以供你騎到最近的加油站,通常老闆不會要求說還車時一定要加到滿(所以我每次都給人家用到只剩一瞇瞇XDDDDD),但還是有遇過老闆說:「車子給你的時候是滿油的,還車的時候也請加到滿油」,所以就看每家店自己的規定。
Most rental shops won't ask you to fill full oil when returning the scooter. (it is no problem if there is not much oil left.) But it still depends. I ever met a few shops that will ask to fill full oil when returning because they give scooter with full oil.)
Most rental shops won't ask you to fill full oil when returning the scooter. (it is no problem if there is not much oil left.) But it still depends. I ever met a few shops that will ask to fill full oil when returning because they give scooter with full oil.)