台南文創機車行Tainan WenChuang Scooter Rental
last edited: 2024.9
**可租外國人,需出示護照正本&國際駕照 (若租電動車則不需出示國際駕照)They also offer scooter rental service to foreigners with passport & IDP (international drive permit).
- Add: 台南市北區北忠街9號(位於台南火車站前站出來後,往右手邊步行250m可達 It's 250m away from Tainan railway station (front station) Please see below its map) (map)
- tel: 0965 585 777
- 可用LINE訂車 chat with them through LINE
- 現場可用line pay 付款 (you can pay through LINE PAY or cash)
- 官網website: https://www.twsr.com.tw/
- 營業時間operation hours: 8:00 - 22:00 (Friday & Saturday: it will extend to 22:30 pm 週五、週六營業時間可到晚上10:30)
email: FB (FB回覆留言的速度很快 their reply on FB is very quick.)
- 租車日期Rental period:2016.12
- 車款Scooter type:GT125
- 價格Price:450/24hr (租比較多天可議價 possible to get a discount if renting more than 3 days)
- 推薦指數Recommendation:★★★
- 備註Remark:
1. 機車裡面都會放置兩件雨衣,有使用的話需要付費,一件NT30
If you ever use the rain coat in under-seat storage space, you will need to pay a surcharge of NT30 per rain coat when returning the scooter.
2. 還車時沒有要求一定要加滿油,你可以騎到剩一點點再歸還也ok
It is not requested to fill the oil to the full mark when returning the scooter. That means, it is not a problem the oil level is left pretty low when you send the scooter back to the store.
3. 憑學生證可享優惠
Enjoy a discount if showing student ID card (not sure if they offer the same discount to foreigners)
4. 連假期間不提供任何折扣(即使租比較多天也一樣)且需全額付款才算預約成功。
During Taiwan public holidays, price is unable to be negotiated (they don't provide any discount during this period). In addition, full payment is requested to be remitted to finish reservation procedure (this rule is only applied during public holidays).
租車費率 Rental Rate (pls check the latest price with them):
(click to enlarge the photo) (photo taken in 2018)
(photo taken in 2018)
- 出示身份證、駕照讓店家影印
- 簽契約(留姓名、聯絡電話等基本資料)
- Riders must show Taiwan ID card (Foreigner must show passport & international scooter license) & scooter license. They will copy them as a record
- Sign a rental contract (leave name, mobile number information...etc)
2024 租車契約如下圖(點圖可放大)
2024 Rental Contract (click photo to enlarge it)
- 店員沒檢查車子,我後來要求他們去看一下我再離開,他們隨便看個兩下就放人了,速度超快。
- 歸還證件
- They just take a casual look at the scooter and say all is perfect and then return my ID card.
- 店員態度有禮,只是指路的說明可以再講清楚些
- 馬力夠但左邊煞車太緊
- 車子過彎時車身很容易晃動,不確定是因為車子重心的關係還是輪胎的因素(無雙載),不過我租過其他家的GT就沒遇到這種狀況,現在還是不曉得原因出在哪。只是去山區騎這台過彎真的很不順。
- 避震不好,過坑洞的時候會彈跳的非常明顯,騎的不是很舒服。
- 整體來說雖然文創把它歸在新車類,但里程數已有3萬多,且除了車殼是新的,車況我覺得算中間偏下。希望店家可以增加其他款的機車,像是Ray之類的。
- 除了文創,我在一兩年前曾租過上好機車,以店面第一印象跟待客態度來比較的話,文創較優(上好的客人太多,每個客人分配到的時間就會非常有限),以車況來說,兩家差不多,只差在文創車子又比上好新一點點,所以馬力強一點,其他方面我覺得各有缺點。
- 下次去台南會再試試看別間,看能不能挖到更優質的租車行。
- Staff is kind though the road direction he gives is not very clear. But not big problem.
- left brake is too tight. Shock absorber is bad. It's not a comfortable ride to ride it on bumpy road. In addition, the scooter seems not stable when cornering. No idea what the root cause is (tire or other reason). But this scooter's condition is not good enough to ride it in mountain area.
- Though it's catogorized in "new scooter" column by WenChuang, its mileage is already over 30000 km. It's not "New" to me.
- Maybe I will try another rental shop next time when I come to Tainan.
- 租車日期Rental period:2017. 2
- 車款Scooter type:勁風光Breeze 125
- 價格Price:NT300/24hr (因為我租比較多天的關係,這是打折後的價格 this price is after discount.)
- 推薦指數Recommendation:★★★★
- 店員態度還是一樣親切有禮
- 因為之前租GT,車況實在不是很好,所以這次改租別的車款,果然就好多了,至少過彎的時候車身比較不會晃。
- 我覺得這家跟以前租過的其他店比較不一樣的地方是,第一他們不會過問客戶最遠要去哪裡(有的會很嚴格要求說租哪幾種車款不可跨縣市),第二是還車的檢查非常寬鬆,幾乎只是隨便瞄瞄而已(有的根本不看),而且店員還會很好心的提醒說還車的時候油量夠騎回來就好XD,這幾點我覺得對租車的人來說實在利多。
- 這次從台南騎去屏東一路都很順,沒什麼狀況,陡坡的煞車也表現ok;勁風光的車箱如果是一個人的行李,勉強夠用,但如果兩個人的話我覺得大大不足。